1) Arkansas Association of Federal Coordinators - Applications should be available online after the first of the year. All seniors are eligible to apply. The link for the scholarship is as follows: https://www.theaaea.org/page/scholarships
2) American Legion Scholarship - Deadline TBA - Counselor's Office
3) Coca Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship - Deadline TBA . Apply at Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation Scholarship
4) Students who earn concurrent credit through Arkansas Tech while in high school are eligible for a $500 scholarship when they enroll at ATU. As long as they successfully complete one course before graduating high school, they should be eligible for the scholarship as an entering freshman.
5) Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund - apply online at www.aspsf.org Deadline for fall semester is TBA
6) Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship - (Lottery) - Requirements: The only requirement is 19 on the ACT or ACT equivalent score. FAFSA is required. Deadline June 1. Apply at Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship All the programs administered by the Arkansas Department of Education will be listed here and a place where you can apply. You will first have to create an account at You Universal. This is the first place the application link will take you. Let me know if you have any questions. Applications Open TBA
7) Governorโs Distinguished Scholarship - High School The Governorโs Distinguished Scholarship is the most academically rigorous scholarship program offered for those graduating seniors scoring either 32 on the ACT or 1410 on the SAT, and a 3.50 academic grade point average. Those who are named National Merit Finalists or National Achievement Scholars may qualify without meeting the GPA requirement, but must still meet the ACT/SAT requirement. The scholarship pays tuition, mandatory fees, room and board up to $10,000 per year. Requirements: At least a 32 ACT (1410 SAT) and a 3.5 GPA to apply. FAFSA not required. Award Amount: $10,000 per year. Apply at scholarships.adhe.edu.
8) Law Enforcement Officersโ Dependents Scholarship (LEO) - Other
LEO provides a waiver of tuition, fees, and room at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansas law enforcement officers, some Highway and Transportation Department employees, and other public employees, who were killed or permanently disabled in the line of duty. Award Amount: See overview page for Awards Information. Apply at scholarships.adhe.edu.
9) Military Dependents Scholarship (MDS) - Other
MDS provides a waiver of tuition, fees, room and board at any public college, university, or technical institute in Arkansas for dependents and spouses of Arkansans who were killed or missing in action or who were prisoners of war or who are totally and permanently disabled. Award Amount: See overview page for Awards Information. Apply at scholarships.adhe.edu
10) Arkansas Future Grant (ArFuture) - High School - Non-Traditional Students
Arkansas Future (ArFuture), is the newest state grant program. The purpose of this grant is to increase the education and skills of Arkansasโs workforce in an affordable manner. The grant applies to students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) or regional high demand areas of study. The grant will cover tuition and fees for qualifying certificate and Associate degree programs at Arkansasโ public institutions for eligible students. The grant is available on a first come, first serve basis. Qualifying Degree Programs Apply at scholarships.adhe.edu Requirements: An Applicant must:
Have either graduated from an Arkansas public school, private school, home school or received high school equivalency diploma approved by the Department of Career Education; or
Verify that he or she has resided within the state for the three (3) years immediately preceding application and has either: Graduated from an out-of-state high school, private school, home school or received a high school equivalency diploma approved by another state.
Be enrolled part-time or full-time at an approved institution of higher education in a program of study that leads to an associate degree or a certification in a STEM or regional high demand field.
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
Apply at scholarships.adhe.edu
11) Gary Sewell Scholarship - Must be returned to Union County Farm Bureau (in the office) by
12) Union County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Must be returned to Union County Farm Bureau (in the office) by Family must be a member of Union County Farm Bureau.
13) Union County Community Foundation Scholarships - Apply online at www.uccfar.org Be sure to have all supporting documents available to download. You can go ahead and go to the website and look at the eligibility requirements and the essays that you have to write. Then you will be ready to apply when the application window opens.
14) Barnette-Harris Scholarship - Local Scholarship - Applications in counselor's office
15) El Dorado Service League Scholarships - Applications in counselor's office
16) Lion Federal Credit Union Scholarships - Applications in counselor's office
17) Kevin Payne Foundation Scholarship - Information will be available in the counselor's office.
18) VFW Youth Scholarships https://www.vfw.org/community/youth-and-education/youth-scholarships Deadline: TBA
19) Win a $2500 Rover Scholarship https://www.rover.com/college-scholarship/ Deadline:
20) Discover Student Loans Sweepstakes https://scholarship.collegecovered.com/ Deadline: TBA
21) Create-A-Greeting-Card Scholarship https://www.gallerycollection.com/greeting-cards-scholarship.htm Deadline:TBA
22) Getting Real About Distracted Driving Scholarship https://comedydefensivedriving.com/scholarships
23) Jan Wilson Memorial Scholarship - Applications in counselor's office. Deadline: TBA
24) Mike Barrett Memorial Math Scholarship - Applications in counselor's office. Deadline: TBA
25) Robert "Truck" Loggins Memorial Scholarship Guidelines/Application Deadline: TBA
26) Rosenwald Scholarship - Applications in counselor's office. Deadline: TBA
27) Children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren of American Legionnaires in good standing, are eligible to apply for the Garner Trust Scholarship and the Coudret Trust Scholarship. Applications may be picked up in Mrs. Owens's office.
28) Information regarding the Hagan Scholarship may be picked up in Owens's office. The deadline to apply
Check out the following scholarships recently added to this page!