BASKETBALL TONIGHT! Dragons travel to Hamburg for games beginning at 5pm! (JB/SRS) GO DRAGONS GO!

Congratulations to our Jr. Boys for winning the Union County Tournament Saturday at Strong! #dragonproud #bordertownboys

Congratulations to Taykeetria Rogers for earning ALL STATE for Cheerleading! Way to go! #dragonproud

Hard Work=Great Reward! https://www.facebook.com/JunctionCitySchoolDistrict/posts/974278956055618

Exciting things are happening at JCSD!

BASKETBALL IN THE BORDER TOWN TONIGHT! Dragons host McGehee beginning at 5:00! (JG/SRS) GO DRAGONS GO!

TONIGHT! Union County Junior Tournament in Strong! Jr. Dragons VS Bearden @ 7:30pm!

Welcome back to school! Together, let's make this second semester the very best!

JCSD Administration and Staff wishes all of our students and parents a very Merry Christmas and Blessed New Year!

JCHS Band & Choir Concert! Click link for photos https://www.facebook.com/JunctionCitySchoolDistrict/posts/965936060223241

JCSD Board Meeting TONIGHT at 6:30pm in the Special Programs Building!

Check out this special goodbye to our Old Gym...

REMINDER! JCHS BAND & CHOIR CHRISTMAS CONCERT TONIGHT @ 6PM IN MPR!!! Come join us for some beautiful music that will get you in the Christmas spirit!

87th Dual State Tournament news circulating out of the Border Town:
Boys Winner-Nashville Scrappers
Girls Winner-Warren Lady Jacks
**Special Congrats to our Lady Dragons for Runners-Up and our Dragons for Third Place!**
Congrats to Cooper Wilson! Winner of the Gloverโs DSN Table/Chairs!

The DSN is LIVE at the 87th Dual State Tournament! We are broadcasting all games of this final day of of basketball action! Tune in! GO DRAGONS!!! http://www.ustream.tv/channel/jc-dragons-football

Click the link to watch our JCHS Cheerleaders as they compete at STATE on Saturday! Please note: The NFHS charges a fee. https://www.nfhsnetwork.com/tournament/arkansas-fall-championships/cheerleading-ar

WE HAVE A BUSY WEEKEND AHEAD! GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!! TONIGHT! The Dragons host Crossett in regular season basketball action beginning at 5:00pm. Jr. boys & Seniors. SATURDAY! *Our Senior Cheerleaders compete in the 3A State Competition at Hot Springs! *Dual State action beginning at 3:00pm! Dragons play in consolation at 4:15pm and Lady Dragons play for championship at 7:00pm! GO DRAGONS & LADY DRAGONS!

Monday, December 18: Last day for exempt students AND review day.
Tuesday, December 19: Exams Periods 1-4. Regular schedule for the rest of the day.
Wednesday, December 20 : Exams Periods 5-8. Then Periods 1-2...School Dismisses at 1:30pm for Christmas Break.

JCHS host Crossett in a regular season basketball game tomorrow(Friday) beginning at 5:00pm. Jr. boys & Seniors.

ELEMENTARY PARENTS: Is your child missing something?? Several of our students have left coats/jackets at the playground, cafeteria, etc. and have forgotten about them! Please remind your child to pick up his/her coat/jacket at our LOST & FOUND!