•School will dismiss early tomorrow, Tuesday Feb. 11 at 2:30 pm, so teachers can prepare for conferences between 3:00-7:00 pm. There will be NO after school program tomorrow.
•Cheer Hamburger Carry-out Fundraiser during P/T Conferences!
•Elementary Book Fair all week and during P/T Conferences! Use eWallet to pay!
•School Board Meeting in SPB at 6:30 pm.

REMINDER! The elementary library has kicked off its Book Fair this week! The fair will also be open tomorrow evening during parent/teacher conferences from 3:00 - 7:00pm. We want to encourage parents, friends, grandparents, and any other family to use the eWallet to provide funds for your favorite student to enjoy the fair! eWallet is easy to use and is the best way to pay because it uses online pay and your student cannot lose cash or checks! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5684113
eWallet: Sign in...Add Funds...DONE!

REMINDER! The Cheerleaders will take Hamburger Plate orders until 2:00pm TODAY! This is a carry-out fundraiser to buy cheer rings and it is happening tomorrow during parent-teacher conferences! This is a perfect time to grab supper to take home after you meet with your child's teacher! You can CASH APP $7/plate to $JordanWeldon9 BEFORE 2pm TODAY if you would like to take advantage of this great deal, great supper and help these great girls get their rings!

Jr. High Cheer Tryout Parents:
Students trying out for 2025-26, there is mandatory practice for junior high Monday and Wednesday from 3:30-5 and Thursday from 3:30-5:30 at the MPR.

SCHEDULE CHANGE: Basketball Senior Night will be held on Thursday, February 13 (instead of Friday the 14th) as the Dragons host the Parkers Chapel Trojans! Lady Dragons Seniors and parents will be honored around 5:30pm before their game and the Dragon Seniors and parents will be honored before the Dragons 7:00 pm game. We are so proud of our Seniors and their contributions to our basketball program! GO DRAGONS GO!

Reminder to parents of NECC students grades K-11: If you have not already done so, you must complete the application for returning students and return them to school by Friday, February 14, 2025. If you fail to complete the application, your child's slot at the charter may be awarded to another applicant. The affidavit is only needed if you have changed residence. Thank you.

REMINDER! Tuesday, February 11 is our Parent/Teacher Conferences from 3:00 - 7:00pm and progress reports will be given to parents. School will dismiss early at 2:30 pm and there will be no after school program on Tuesday.
Two special events will be happening during the P/T Conferences:
•Elementary Book Fair! Please use the eWallet...it helps our school!
•Hamburger Plate Cheer Ring Fundraiser $7/plate - Carry out only from the FCS/HomeEc.

Two Spring Sports Schedules are ready! We will post them as we get them!
•2025 Baseball Schedule: https://5il.co/375ov
•2025 Boys Track & Field Schedule: https://5il.co/375iz

A Message from our School Nurse
Parents and guardians: Over the next few weeks, I will be conducting BMI screenings for students in K, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10th grades. Scoliosis screenings will also be performed for students in grades 6 (girls only) and 8 (boys & girls). If you do not wish for your child to be screened, you must provide written documentation stating that you refuse the screening. Hearing and vision screenings are also still in process. If your student fails the screening, you will receive a call from me and a letter to take to your doctor for further evaluation. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Thanks! Bailee McDaniel, RN

Elementary Book Fair is scheduled for February 10-14. The Fair will also be open during Parent-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday from 3-7pm. We ask that you encourage giving the eWallet link to family and friends in order to help raise money for the library. Anyone can use eWallet to give funds to a child to purchase books and it is the easy way to pay! https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5684113

Reminder! Tomorrow JCES will celebrate 100 days of school with exciting activities planned! We are inviting K-6 students to dress up as 100 year olds! Get creative with hair, dress, glasses, etc!

Attention all NECC – Charter students: You should have received an application for the
2025-2026 school year. This must be filled out by a parent/guardian. The Affidavit of Student Residency form is needed only if there is a change of address. They are due back by Friday, February 14, 2025.

Message from the Elementary Office: We are getting a large number of students coming to the office daily asking Mrs. Hicks to call their parents to find out how they are getting home. Parents/Guardians, please give your child instructions before they leave home, or call the office and let us know so your child does not miss valuable instructional time.

Youth softball forms are due February 4.

JCES will celebrate 100 days of school this Friday, January 31 with exciting activities planned! We are inviting K-6 students to dress up as 100 year olds! Get creative with hair, dress, glasses, etc!

An Important Message from Principal Hill: The elementary office will not accept a doctor's excuse for an absence that occured over a week from the time the excuse is brought. We will not accept several doctors' excuses at one time, months after the absences took place. Again, a doctor's' excuse must be brought within one week of your child's absence. If not, that absence will be UNEXCUSED. No exceptions. This is part of the district's attendance policy.

An Important Message from our School Nurse:
There are several viruses and other contagious illnesses traveling throughout our community and school right now. We are asking students, staff, and parents to help minimize the spread of illness at school. We understand that it can be a difficult decision to know when to send your child to school or keep them home. Every situation is individual and every child has different needs. Attendance is important, but it is essential that the students feel well enough to be able to learn and participate in school.
Click link for ways to Stop the Spread! https://5il.co/369ff

Just an FYI: Wednesday, February 19th that was originally the last day of winter break will now be used as a school day to makeup for January 10th "snow" day. Parents, please put this on your calendar. February 19th is a school day! Refer to our district calendar: https://5il.co/2g4hc